Monday, July 30, 2012

Is Apple-Twitter Tie-Up To Be or Not To Be?

The New York Times had the tech industry buzzing last week when it ran an article reporting that Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) had held talks to take a stake in Twitter. But Bloomberg quickly shot down the story over the weekend, reporting that Apple is not in active talks with Twitter, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

Don?t Miss: Apple Roars Back With NEW Product Catalyst.

Though the NYT story says that the two sides are not in negotiations at the moment, it did go on to suggest that the talks could point to a closer relationship between the two companies. Bloomberg asserts that the two companies held talks more than a year ago but never reached any agreement, but the Times reported that the companies had held talks in recent months about Apple making an investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars that would have valued Twitter at more than $10 billion.

While Bloomberg has thrown cold water on the excitement fueled by the NYT report, the two are locked in a battle of he-said-she-said with only anonymous sources to back up their stories.

Furthermore, their reports aren?t as disparate as some are making them out to be ? both agree on several basic points: that the two sides talked, that they didn?t reach any agreement, and that they aren?t currently in talks. The main difference between the two reports is simply when these supposed talks were taking place.

Don?t Miss: Apple?s Powerful New Purchase.

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