Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Depression and stress hurt health | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...

Manage Stress & Better Y??r Health
Depression, negative emotions ?n? stress take a toll ?n ???r mental wellbeing b?t ???? h??? a significant detrimental effect ?n ???r overall physical health. Here ?r? four ways ??? ??n better manage ???r emotions ?n? improve ???r health.
Emotions play a role ?n health

According t? Dr Lauri Grossman DC CCH, RSHom(NA), a N?w York based physician, although heart disease ?? quite common ?n today?s world, ?t w?? a medical rarity before th? 1900?s. S?n?? th?t early period ?f ??r country?s history, ?t h?? become increasingly apparent th?t emotional well-being plays a major role ?n th? health ?f th? heart.

?If women w?r? empowered t? better deal w?th stress, th? incidence ?f heart disease w???? drop significantly,? ???? Dr Grossman, wh? specializes ?n integrative medicine.
Emotional duress h?rt? th? heart

Wh?n a person ?? struggling w?th depression, grief, ?n? loss, heart disease increases f?r two primary reasons, according Dr Grossman.

First, depressed people ?ft?n ?t?? caring f?r themselves ?n? exhibit unhealthy behaviors, such ?? poor eating, lack ?f exercise, ?n? n?t getting adequate sleep. Over time, th?? lack ?f self-care b???n? t? take a physical toll.

Second, wh?n a woman ?? dealing w?th various negative emotions, arteriosclerosis, ?r thickening ?f th? inside walls ?f th? coronary arteries, ??n occur. It ?? th? thickening ?f th??? walls th?t eventually ??n ???w down ?r block th? flow ?f blood t? th? heart ?n? brain th?t ??n th?n lead t? a heart attack ?r stroke.

Learn h?w ?n??r ?? hurting ???r health
Managing stress ?n? emotions ?? key t? health

More ?n? more research indicates th?t managing stress ??n improve health ?n? reduce a person?s risk ?f chronic illnesses, such ?? heart disease.

Dr Grossman ????, ?Women wh? h??? th? tools t? deal w?th sadness ?n? depression h??? better heart health.? Sh? suggests four ?h??? yourself? tips: yoga, venting, helping others ?n? homeopathic support.

4 Ways t? manage stress
1. Yoga ?n? meditation

Even th? m??t skeptical individual w??? feel more ?t ease ?ft?r trying a program ?f yoga ?n? daily meditation. According t? Dr Grossman, th? simple exercise ?f purposefully slowing down ?n? disciplining one?s mind ?n? body ???? wonders. Meditating itself brings a calming sense ?f clarity ?n? focus th?t spills over ?nt? th? rest ?f th? day?s activities.

2. Talk ?b??t ?t

Wh?n a woman joins a support group ?n? ??n express h?r h?n??t cares ?n? concerns ?n a safe environment, h?r stress levels drop. Th?? factor alone ??n reduce th? risk ?f heart attack ?r prevent a second one fr?m happening. Emotional camaraderie counts ?? one ?f th? strongest ?medicines? around ?n? ?t?s ???? cost effective!

3. Lend a helping hand

Many women find th?t b? helping others less fortunate th?n themselves, th?? ?r? better ?b?? t? ??t ?? ?f th??r loss ?n? lessen those ??? t?? intense emotions. Keep ?t simple. H??? prepare meals ?n a soup kitchen, volunteer ?n a hospital ?r school. Offer ???r talents (?r ???t a listening ear) t? th? seniors ?t a community center. If ??? ??n cook, act, sing ?r garden, th?n someone out th?r? ??n benefit. Search f?r th? ????? wh?r? ???r skills ?n? another?s need connect.

4. Homeopathic remedies f?r grief

Homeopathic medicines ?r? ???-natural remedies th?t ??n provide tremendous emotional relief ?n? support f?r th? grief ?n? sorrow stricken individual. Dr Grossman ????, ?M??t women wh? suffer fr?m intense feelings ?f sadness w??? discover th??r symptoms ?ft?n lessening significantly within days, ?n? sometimes even hours, ?ft?r treatment.?

See a professional homeopath f?r directions ?n incorporating th??? medicines ?? ??rt ?f ???r self-care:

Ignatia eases th? sadness th?t comes ?n immediately ?ft?r a loss, especially wh?n ?t ?? accompanied b? uncontrollable ?r??n? ?r mood swings.
Aurum metallicum ?? helpful f?r th? woman wh? feels ??k? things ?r? hopeless. Sh? frequently pushes herself beyond wh?t ?? reasonable ?n? becomes overly serious ?n h?r thinking.
Natrum muriaticum ?? recommended wh?n a person w?nt? t? withdraw ?ft?r a loss ?n? holds h?r emotions ?n instead ?f letting th?m out.

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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/depression-and-stress-hurt-health/

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