Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy Natural Weight Loss And Healthy Living Practices | New ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use
One of the main reasons for obesity is the intake of unhealthy foods. It is undeniable that these ready-to-eat and fast food items are delicious and low-cost; unfortunately, they also are calorie-dense and have higher concentrations of sodium, saturated fat, and fast-burning carbohydrates. These food items are also often heavily processed and thus are contaminated by various ingredients deemed unnecessary for human life like flavor enhancers, food colorings, and artificial preservatives. Apart from adding excess pounds, these convenience foods can put you at higher risk for lifestyle diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and some cancers.

Eating the right amount and quality of food will assist in weight management and in the removal of harmful toxins in the body. You do not have to go on long fasting periods, or load yourself with medicines, or adhere to fad diets that can do more harm than good. Instead, endeavor to incorporate more whole, natural food items in your diet. Instead of junk food, snack on veggies and fruits, and incorporate plant-based protein sources, such as nuts and legumes, and healthful dairy choice such as yogurt in your diet.

In addition, give preference for food items made from whole grains, like brown bread, rather than those made with refined flours and sugars. Moreover, go for healthy oil choices instead of butter and lard, and trim off any visible fat in your meats to lower your serum cholesterol levels. Taking in uncooked fruits and vegetables is also a healthful practice as these come with antioxidants in bountiful measure compared to food items that have been cooked or processed.

Juicing is long recognized as a way to lose weight naturally and detoxify your system. Those who adhere to juicing assert that such practice makes absorption of nutrients faster. If you want to give juicing a try, it is best to add some of the pulp back into the extract to give you the sensation of fullness and prevent hunger pangs. Do not forget to check the calorie content of fruits and vegetables though as some of them are known to pack a lot of calories. Some juicing practices involve fasting, just like the Master Cleanse.

The Master Cleanse program involves having a cup of laxative tea for breakfast, and 6-12 lemonade drinks taken at intervals for the rest of day. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that Master Cleanse is effective though, and the extended fasting period may do more harm than good. As mentioned in the earlier paragraphs, you do not have to restrict your calorie intake drastically to trigger weight reduction. You just have to be more prudent about your eating.

For best results, you should pair healthy eating with living a more active lifestyle. Spending 300 minutes in a week doing moderate intensity aerobic exercises like brisk walking, and performing resistance training on at least two days of your week, can help you achieve your ideal body weight more effectively, and keep the weight you have already lost from coming back.

Juicing is long recognized as a way to lose weight naturally and detoxify your system. Master cleanse is a modified juice fast diet. Follow this link to learn more about this practice.

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