Saturday, March 31, 2012

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Friday, March 30, 2012 4:55:19 PM by Stephen Whitworth

I try not to?anthropomorphize?animals, but you know what? Humans are animals. If we can enjoy the company of creatures wildly different than us: pets, horses, this guy I know who sells real estate and votes Conservative ? why can?t animals? Take hunger off the table and all kinds of cute bonding happens. It?s not anthropomorphizing. It?s what birds, mammels and maybe some other big-brained critters do. And it?s damn cute.

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Tips For Making Social Networking Simple for Online Businesses ...

The internet has provided a large change to grow companies and reach targeted audiences. These days, you can view social networking as something that businesses are starting to pay attention to. And this is because by networking the proper way online, you will tend to broaden your exposure and adapt to the new modifications very easily. Your company, big or small, can benefit immensely through effective online networking. However, in order to get it correctly, there are some things you must remember. Below are simple suggestions that you can use today to improve the networking skills of your business.

Remember that being current and topical are very important. When people surf the internet these days, they are on the lookout for news and information that can help them, keep them entertained and to help them remain informed. That means you should always use these things in your communications with your prospects, and you need to also make your prospects see that you care about them. Keep them updated about the niche you?re targeting and pass on any worthy news that they should know about. This makes you look and feel more genuine and increases the trust factor. After all, your entire goal is to get your prospects more involved with your business and this is one of the best ways to go about it.

You also need to be highly authentic when you?re networking on the social web. People have seen the online scams lately, which means that you must prove to your targeted market that you are trustworthy. This helps to bring about trust and build up the relationship as time goes on. It you feel that you want to admit to a mistake, then do it. People want to do business with someone that is real and not phoney.FreebieJeebies Review

We all have heard of the famous phrase, ?All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.? If you want to succeed while online networking, this is a good thing to remember. The trick is to make everything you do online as fun as possible. Being serious all the time makes you look boring and at the same time doesn?t infuse the energy your business needs. So try to get the most out of your social networking efforts by attempting to see that everything you do is fun and try to enjoy yourself as much as possible.Wealthy Affiliate

In short, you need to follow the right steps if you want to get the most out of social Internet networking. You don?t have to do anything complicated or take an approach that is complicated if you want to succeed. If you truly want to succeed with social networking, make sure you stay true to who you are, focus solely on the goals you?ve set, and you need to be ethical in every one of your communications and dealings. Keep in mind that the online world expands more and more every day, and so you will always find new opportunities, you just have to know how to make the most of them.

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Communications Technology Guide for Business Download eBooks ...

LINK: Download Communications Technology Guide for Business Audiobook

This detailed guide for business managers describes communication technologies worldwide ? including the Internet and Web, digital mobile telephony, ISDN, SMDS, frame relay, and ATM ? and offers practical advice for selecting the most suitable technology for a particular business.Written especially for non-technical managers in engineering, communications, and information technology industries, it explains a wide range of technologies and describes their underlying principles and features, as well as the factors that differentiate them, such as cost, security, availability, and performance. The book showcases typical applications, exposes inherent limitations, explains pricing and methods of comparison, and discusses security pitfalls and protection systems. Its coverage of implementation issues includes an outline of the business planning process and recommendations on solution design, procurement, and supplier management. About the Author Richard Downey works in the training division at Telecom Eireann in Dublin, Ireland where he is responsible for the development and delivery of technical induction and datacommunications training. Sean Boland is a member of the access technology division at Telecom Eireann. He also lectures at the Dublin Institute of Technology and Trinity College. Philip Walsh is an operations and maintenance consultant for Ericsson Systems Expertise in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, where he specializes in intelligent networks.

LINK: Download Communications Technology Guide for Business Audiobook

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Daytona Beach Real Estate Investors Use Special Techniques to Build

Money Image

Port Orange, FL, March 31, 2012 ?( RE/MAX Signature Announces Daytona Beach Area Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment Seminar

Walter Borgen of RE/MAX Signature will host the seminar, ?Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment,? to provide information on the elements, opportunities, and processes involved with investing in real estate.

Walter Borgen, RE/MAX Signature
Certified Investor Agent Specialist?

Seminar ? Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment how to protect your assets and use a 1031 Exchange or Self Directed IRA to build wealth.

Over the past 12 months, investment and second-home properties comprised more than $300 billion in sales, representing approximately 27 percent of all residential real estate transactions.

?Market conditions have created an unprecedented opportunity for real estate investors to find productive deals while providing liquidity to the market, decreasing vacancy rates, improving neighborhoods, and presenting solutions for homeowners who need to sell,? Borgen said.

Having achieved the CIAS Designation, Borgen will help Daytona Beach-area investors build wealth through real estate investment, and homeowners facing foreclosure find potential buyers for their properties.

?When it comes to properties that actually end up in foreclosure,? Borgen added, ?up to 30 percent of them can?t close conventionally. Investors are often the only ones who can buy them.?

Find out how to protect your assets and use a 1031 Exchange or Self Directed IRA to build wealth.

1031 Exchange -
The 1031 exchange has been cited as the most powerful wealth building tool still available to taxpayers. It has been a major part of the success strategy of? countless financial wizards and real estate gurus. Taking its name from Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, a tax-deferred exchange allows a taxpayer to sell income, investment or business property and replace it with a like-kind property. Capital gains on the sale of this property are deferred or postponed as long as the IRS rules are meticulously followed. This is a wise tax and investment strategy as well as an estate planning tool. In theory, an investor could continue deferring capital gains on investment property until death, potentially avoiding them all together.

Self Directed IRA's -
By simply transferring your IRA from the bank or brokerage firm you are currently using to a self-directed IRA administrator, you gain the ability to make your own investment decisions, without being limited to the stock market. With all the uncertainty in the stock market, now more than ever is the time to learn how to take control of your retirement plan and invest in what you know and understand?real estate.

Asset Protection -
1. Corporations and LLC?s provide liability protection for owners personal assets that partnerships and other types of entities do not.
2. Must "act" like a corporation or LLC?s in order to be afforded the protection i.e. no commingling of funds, and keeping minutes of all actions.
3. Corporations and LLC?s provide "unlimited life" of the business (doesn't die when the owners die).
4. Corporations and LLC?s make the transfer of businesses to family members or others much easier (business succession planning).
5. Corporations and LLC?s are able to hold real property in their own name (avoids multiple names on deeds to real estate which make sale or other transfer cumbersome) (avoids recalcitrant spouses or minority owners).

Logistics Information

RSVP at 386-236-0760

For questions, please contact Walter Borgen at or 386-236-0760.

For more information, please contact:
Walter Borgen

Contact Information:
RE/MAX Signature
Walter Borgen
Contact via Email

Click here to read the full story: Daytona Beach Real Estate Investors Use Special Techniques to Build Rapid Wealth in Current Real Estate Market

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SEO World | Web | DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips

DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips

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Tips to drive traffic to your web site

If you have your own website, online startup, or even online business, promotion is something that is key to being successful especially in the early stages. Many people tend to pay for services to come in and help boost their SEO and traffic or to buy advertisements. But if you already used a do it yourself website builder to make your site in the first place, why can?t you do the traffic building yourself too? Well actually you can, and here are some tips on do it yourself traffic building and SEO without having to spend a dime.

Guest Posting

This is one of the most time tested and effective ways of helping to build your site?s traffic and SEO metrics. The concept is pretty simple. You write a great piece of original content for another blog. They in turn post that content but give a byline where you can talk about yourself or your site and then include a backlink to it. The site owner has gotten some great free content and you now have a link exposed to a group of new readers as well as a link that will help increase the value of some of your metrics such as Alexa ranking. Every site has different policies and guidelines when it comes to guest posting so make sure to review them and submit guest posts that are in compliance so you have the best chance of getting it published.

Site Submission

Not only are there plenty of blog directories out there, but if you are a business there are plenty of sites whose sole purpose is to list and review internet startups. You can spend a little time submitting your own site there with the potential to be reviewed and gain you some free publicity. Plus, a few positive reviews can really help create some interest in your site. Other sites you can submit to are social networks and social sites that are designed for sharing links.


Though this doesn?t directly solve any traffic or SEO woes, it can help you target the causes. Properly reading and understanding your site?s analytics can help you see where the issue lies. For example if you have a high bounce rate, chances are your home page isn?t appealing or intuitive enough to be explored by your visitors. Or if your conversion rate from search engines is low you may want to look at registering with the search engines or changing around your keywords.
So if your site is just starting up, there?s no need to spend a fortune on services from freelancers or other businesses for simple things that you can go ahead and do yourself.

If you liked ?DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips?, then you may also enjoy other articles about search engine optimization (posicionamiento en buscadores) and social media available at Black Box Social Media.

Social Media Marketing And SEO For Business

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Plex Media Server beta adds DLNA support, streams to PS3, Xbox 360, WP7 and more

Using Plex as your media server software is great, with its ability to organize and transcode media for playback on a variety of devices, but what about platforms that still lack a compatible client? The freshest beta version of Plex Media Server fixes that by supporting DLNA, making it compatible right out of the box with many of the HDTVs, Blu-ray players, game consoles and other connected devices released recently. There are some limitations when it's being used this way in terms of metadata and subtitle support, but we're pretty sure being able to access Plex at all from devices like the PS3 (as shown above), Xbox 360 and WDTV Live (the profiles it's been tested with so far) is worth it. Also featured in the beta is support for Silverlight Smooth Streaming, which comes in handy for the new Windows Phone 7 client app. Check out the blog post for all the details or just head to the download page to try it out yourself if you're on a Windows PC or Mac -- Linux builds are still being tested.

Plex Media Server beta adds DLNA support, streams to PS3, Xbox 360, WP7 and more originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 30 Mar 2012 05:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ichiro Suzuki a hit in Japan as Mariners beat A's

[ [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Obama confronts nuke threat on N. Korea front line

[ [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chamberlain has surgery after dislocating ankle

FILE - In this June 13, 2011 photo, New York Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain looks on from the dugout during a baseball game against the Cleveland Indians at Yankee Stadium in New York. New York Yankees General manager Brian Cashman said Friday, March 23, 2012, that Chamberlain had surgery Thursday night and will be hospitalized for at least a few days. Cashman says the accident happened Thursday afternoon while Chamberlain and his son were at a Tampa-area spot that has trampoline equipment. The team is not saying whether Chamberlain was using any of the equipment. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

FILE - In this June 13, 2011 photo, New York Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain looks on from the dugout during a baseball game against the Cleveland Indians at Yankee Stadium in New York. New York Yankees General manager Brian Cashman said Friday, March 23, 2012, that Chamberlain had surgery Thursday night and will be hospitalized for at least a few days. Cashman says the accident happened Thursday afternoon while Chamberlain and his son were at a Tampa-area spot that has trampoline equipment. The team is not saying whether Chamberlain was using any of the equipment. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

In this April 29, 2011 photo, New York Yankees relief pitcher Joba Chamberlain (62) pitches in the eighth inning against the Toronto Blue Jays during a baseball game in New York. New York Yankees General manager Brian Cashman said Friday, March 23, 2012, that Chamberlain had surgery Thursday night and will be hospitalized for at least a few days. Cashman says the accident happened Thursday afternoon while Chamberlain and his son were at a Tampa-area spot that has trampoline equipment. The team is not saying whether Chamberlain was using any of the equipment. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek)

(AP) ? Yankees reliever Joba Chamberlain dislocated his right ankle while playing with his son at a local spot that had a trampoline, jeopardizing his immediate future after yet another odd misstep for New York's bullpen at spring training.

There was no timetable for Chamberlain's return. The team did not say whether the 26-year-old pitcher was using the trampoline equipment when he was injured Thursday.

The accident at a play area came two weeks after All-Star setup man David Robertson hurt himself moving boxes at home.

Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said Friday that Chamberlain had surgery and would be hospitalized at least a few days. The 6-foot-2, 240-pound righty was working his way back from elbow ligament replacement surgery and wasn't expected to return until June or July.

Asked Friday if this could threaten Chamberlain's career, Cashman said: "I'm not in position to say. Right now it's too early for that. He's in very good hands. He's a healer. He's a tough guy."

Bone broke through the skin during the dislocation. Chamberlain was scheduled for an MRI exam and CT scan Friday.

"My guess is he landed funny," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said.

Girardi said he spent about 30 minutes with Chamberlain at the hospital Friday morning that both of them were "a little emotional."

"I wanted to see how he was doing. You know it's crushing. I just told him, we're going to be here for him, we're going to get you through this and we're going to get you back on the mound. But you're going to go through some difficult times," Girardi said.

"You can only look forward. You've got to look forward. You can't look at 'what if?'" he said. "You can see the disappointment, there's no doubt that."

Earlier this month, Robertson stumbled on the stairs of his home in St. Petersburg while moving empty boxes for recycling. The Yankees' fears of a serious injury were abated when Robertson was diagnosed with a bone bruise.

And once it became clear Robertson's injury was minor, his teammates let him have it. Among those in the clubhouse weighing in with sarcastic cracks about carrying boxes was Chamberlain himself. Chamberlain often is like a big kid himself, joking with teammates and playing around.

But there was little humor coming out of the Yankees' camp Friday. The mood in the clubhouse was somber, and Cashman seemed shaken as he met with reporters. He even acknowledged at the end of the media session that he was rambling.

"He's facing a lot right now," Cashman said. "I can't tell you, really, anything more than something unfortunate happened. We're in the very early information side of this thing."

In January, Chamberlain agreed to a one-year contract for $1,675,000, up from $1.4 million last year. The deal was not guaranteed. Cashman said Friday it's not the right time to talk about Chamberlain's contract status.

As to whether this falls in the category of unacceptable off-the-field injuries, Girardi said: "I don't want to get into that now. What I want to talk about is getting him better and being there for this kid. He's going through a lot."

Cashman said Chamberlain's son was not hurt. The boy began kindergarten last year and Chamberlain often tweets about how proud he is of his son's hockey.

Chamberlain went 2-0 with a 2.83 ERA in 27 relief appearances last season before elbow surgery June 16. Now, another setback

"I feel extremely bad for him," Yankees captain Derek Jeter said. "He's worked hard to get his arm back in shape. A fluke accident. I feel extremely bad for him. He's got to be disappointed. I feel terrible for him."

Chamberlain was his usual playful self inside the Yankees' clubhouse Thursday and had a bullpen session set for Friday.

"From the baseball stuff, he was doing great," Cashman said. "I feel bad because I know how much he loves his game, and how much he was looking forward to coming back ahead of schedule. It's clearly derailed that, but what more does that mean, I don't know. A lot of things must be running through his mind."

Chamberlain has had an up-and-down career since joining the team in August 2007. He started out 2-0 with an 0.38 ERA in 19 relief appearances.

Chamberlain later inspired the "Joba Rules" that governed how much he would pitch, with the Yankees wary of overusing him while deciding whether he would be a starter, setup man or closer-in-waiting behind Mariano Rivera.

Associated Press


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Working With Self-Hypnosis - Health And Fitness Tips

When we were definitely particularly fresh, we got to be able to give attention to a singular function with out all of the sloppiness and also disorderliness from the subconscious that individuals currently have at this time. Most of us anticipate comprehension much more while we mature, nonetheless being a kid, we could obtain the power to finish worsened attributes such as relocating, interacting, working with tools to place foodstuff from a pan towards lips, for example.

With regard to an individual who must understand these kind of operates all over again after having a nasty automobile accident, it?s an extended drawn out and about practice. Comprehending activities will become common as we age. After we come and also lose harmony, people end up bodily wounded. This is an element that do not doubt, we?ve got figured out this by way of practical knowledge. When you use self-hypnosis so that you can clean clear the subliminal audio head, different activities will make your head wanting to obtain different information. It is the subliminal intellect that is definitely responsible in order to side out in the many area?s a person?s distinctiveness in addition to excitable routines.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Medicare rationing? An election-year House vote

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of Calif., center, accompanied by Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Pa., left, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 22, 2012, after the House voted along party lines to repeal a Medicare cost-control board that's part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of Calif., center, accompanied by Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Pa., left, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 22, 2012, after the House voted along party lines to repeal a Medicare cost-control board that's part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, and fellow GOP House members meet with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 22, 2012, after the House voted along party lines to repeal a Medicare cost-control board that's part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law. From left are, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, Hensarling and Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-La. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, center at lectern, accompanied by fellow GOP lawmakers speak to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 22, 2012, after the House voted along party lines to repeal a Medicare cost-control board that's part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law. From left are: Rep. Larry Bucshon, R-Ind., Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., Rep. Joe Pitts, R-Pa., Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-La. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(AP) ? House Republicans resurrected the specter of Medicare rationing Thursday in an election-year vote to repeal cost controls in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

In the GOP crosshairs is a board that has yet to be named but would be empowered to force cuts to drug companies, insurers and other service providers if Medicare spending balloons. A Republican plan announced this week, laying down a dividing line between the parties, also would limit Medicare cost increases, but it would rely on competition among private insurance plans.

GOP lawmakers are hoping their symbolic 223-181 vote on Thursday to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board will help persuade seniors that Republicans, not Democrats, are the best stewards of Medicare.

The bill is likely to hit a dead end in the Senate. House Republicans all but guaranteed that when they paired the board repeal with caps on medical malpractice awards, which most Democrats oppose. The White House has issued a veto threat.

If it all sounds like a debate among Washington insiders, Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., says he will have no trouble explaining to constituents why he voted to repeal the cost-cutting board.

"Do you remember death panels?" said Kingston, referring to the debunked accusation by former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin that Obama's health care law would allow the government to withhold life-saving care from the elderly.

"It's not necessarily a death panel, but it is a rationing panel and rationing does lead to scarcity for some," he added. "Who's going to get the needed treatment, an 85-year-old or the 40-year-old with children?"

The health care law explicitly bars the board from rationing care, shifting costs to Medicare recipients or cutting their benefits. But critics say squeezing service providers will stifle medical innovation, achieving a similar result.

Many House Democrats also oppose the board ? dubbed IPAB for its initials ? but for different reasons. They feel it diminishes the role of Congress. But Republicans made it difficult to attract Democratic votes for repeal by adding other politically charged provisions to their bill.

"Republicans don't want to see IPAB repealed now because they want to run against it," said Scott Gottlieb, a former senior FDA official in the George W. Bush administration. "I think there will be an effort to repeal it after the election."

The House vote came a day before the second anniversary of the health care law, and just ahead of next week's Supreme Court deliberations on its constitutionality. Politics aside, the vote highlighted major differences between the parties on Medicare, the giant health care program for nearly 50 million seniors and disabled people.

All sides agree that Medicare as currently structured will not be able to pay its bills in the long run. The main options to control costs are unpalatable: tax increases, benefit cuts and cost shifts to middle- and upper-income retirees.

Most Republicans and Democrats also agree now that there has to be a limit on future Medicare increases. The question is how.

Republicans would convert Medicare into a system dominated by private health insurance plans closely regulated by the government. Future retirees would get a fixed payment to buy either private coverage or sign up for a new government plan modeled on traditional Medicare. The plan counts on competition among the plans to help keep costs in check, but the annual government payment would also be limited by tying it to economic growth.

That's the basic approach embodied in the new budget released this week by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the House Budget Committee, and seconded by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Theoretically, such a system could help rein in Medicare cost increases, economists say. The question is whether it would be politically acceptable to seniors and future generations, with polls indicating that the public is resistant to major changes. Recognizing the sensitivity, Ryan's plan would exempt anyone now 55 or older.

Obama and the Democrats would take a different approach to cost control, and that's where the IPAB board comes in.

IPAB (pronounced EYE-pab) has the power to force payment cuts to service providers if costs rise beyond certain levels and Congress fails to substitute its own plan for savings. But the law explicitly forbids the board from rationing care, shifting costs to seniors, or cutting their benefits. The Democrats would put the burden on service providers, such as drug companies, insurers and eventually, hospitals.

Obama has yet to name anyone to the panel, whose 15 members would have to be confirmed by the Senate. Government economists are forecasting a period of manageable Medicare costs, meaning that IPAB's services may not be needed until sometime around the end of the decade.

Democrats say they'd rather defend IPAB before older voters ? and attack the GOP's Medicare overhaul.

"The rationing is in the Republican plan," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., the ranking Democrat on the budget committee. "What they do is allow insurance companies to ration people's health care."

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this week that both Obama's health care law and the new Ryan plan could potentially create access-to-care problems for Medicare recipients. The CBO cautioned that those could turn out to be greater under the GOP approach, which would squeeze Medicare growth harder. Republicans say that won't happen because competition among health plans will keep costs down by reducing waste.

The House bill is likely to hit a dead end in the Senate. The White House issued a veto threat against it earlier this week. House Republicans all but guaranteed that when they paired by IPAB repeal with caps on medical malpractice awards, which most Democrats oppose.

Associated Press


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

People with autism possess greater ability to process information, study suggests

ScienceDaily (Mar. 22, 2012) ? People with autism have a greater than normal capacity for processing information even from rapid presentations and are better able to detect information defined as 'critical', according to a study published March 22 in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The research may help to explain the apparently higher than average prevalence of people with autism spectrum disorders in the IT industry.

Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication and, often, learning; however, people with autism show an increased ability to focus attention on certain tasks. Yet clinical reports backed up by some laboratory research show that these individuals can be more sensitive to the distracting effects of irrelevant stimuli, such as flashing lights or particular sounds, which can be easily ignored by people without the disorder.

Professor Nilli Lavie, from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL, hypothesises that this combination of the ability to focus and a susceptibility to distraction might be caused by a higher than normal information processing capacity.

"Our work on perceptual capacity in the typical adult brain suggests a clear explanation for the unique cognitive profile that people with autism show," she says. "People who have higher perceptual capacity are able to process more information from a scene, but this may also include some irrelevant information which they may find harder to ignore. Our research suggests autism does not involve a distractibility deficit but rather an information processing advantage."

Professor Lavie, together with Dr Anna Remington and Dr John Swettenham from the UCL Developmental Science department, tested this hypothesis on 16 adult volunteers with autism spectrum disorders and compared their results against those of 16 typical adults in a task to challenge their perceptual load capacity.

The task involved looking at a circle of letters flashed very briefly on the screen and searching for some 'target' letters. At the same time, the participants were also asked to detect a small grey shape that occasionally appeared outside the letter circle.

When only one or two letters were flashed on the screen, the researchers found that both groups could successfully find the letter and detect the shape. However, making the search task more challenging by increasing the number of letters significantly impaired the detection performance of the typical adults -- but not of the adults with autism spectrum disorders, who were able to detect the extra shape just as well in the more challenging conditions. When the task became harder, they significantly outperformed the typical adults.

Professor Lavie says: "Our study confirms our hypothesis that people with autism have higher perceptual capacity compared to the typical population. This can only be seen once the task becomes more demanding, with more information to process. In the more challenging task conditions, people with autism are able to perceive significantly more information than the typical adult."

Professor Lavie believes that the finding may help explain why people with autism spectrum disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, may excel in some careers such as IT, which can require intense concentration and the ability to process a great deal of information from a computer screen. Autism diagnoses in California's Silicon Valley reportedly increased three-fold in the 1990s, a phenomenon termed 'geek syndrome' by 'Wired' magazine.

"Our study clearly shows that people with autism can do better than typical adults in tasks involving rapid presentations of a lot of information," says Professor Lavie. "There are clearly careers, such as in IT, that can benefit from employing people with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders."

"These findings could also enable clinicians and families to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder capitalise on their strengths by exploiting the increase in perceptual capacity," adds Dr Remington.

The research also sheds light on the relationship between autism and 'savants', such as artist Stephen Wiltshire (who is able to draw in incredible detail a scene seen for only a few seconds) and Kim Peek (on whom the eponymous character of the film 'Rain Man' was based). The researchers argue that these abilities are, in part, likely to be a consequence of their high perceptual capacity; however, their study suggests that most people with autism share this characteristic, regardless of whether they possess exceptional savant-like abilities.

Funding was provided by the Wellcome Trust and the Economic and Social Research Council.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Wellcome Trust.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Anna M. Remington, John G. Swettenham, Nilli Lavie. Lightening the Load: Perceptual Load Impairs Visual Detection in Typical Adults but Not in Autism.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2012; DOI: 10.1037/a0027670

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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French official: Victims all shot close-range, in head

Schools throughout France held a moment of silence in memory of the four killed in the Toulouse school shooting. Meanwhile, French police have launched a massive manhunt for the killer. ITN's Martin Geissler reports.

By NBC News, staff and news services

TOULOUSE, France -- A?prosecutor said that?all seven victims of a recent spate of shootings in southwest France?--?three soldiers and four at a Jewish school -- were killed with bullets to the head, shot at such close range that the gunfire burned the skin.

All three attacks were carried out by a man on a powerful motorcycle who was wearing a helmet and carrying a Colt 45, Prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters in Paris. But he said other clues to the killer's identify were scarce.

"We are confronted with an individual extremely determined in his actions, an armed individual who acts always with the same modus operandi," Molins said, "in cold blood ... with premeditated actions."

Molins also noted that the attacks had occurred every four days, but said he could not address security arrangements that might be inplace Friday -- the fourth day after the attack on the Jewish school.

The prosecutor also downplayed an earlier report by Interior Minister Claude Gueant that the shooter had a camera around his neck and could have been filming the attack, saying it was still only a hypothesis.

Earlier, Gueant had said the attacker was "wearing around his neck an apparatus" that could be used to film and post video online. He said that gave investigators new clues to the killer's "profile," though he admitted that they don't appear to close to an arrest.

Philippe Desmazes/AFP/Getty Images

People cry and react before the funeral convoy carrying the coffins leaves the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school after a funeral ceremony, Tuesday.

'Very cold'
Gueant described the suspect as "someone very cold, very determined, very much a master of his movements, and by consequence, very cruel."

Asked whether the gunman recorded the scene Monday morning, Gueant responded, "We can imagine that." But he added that authorities have not yet found any images of the killings online.

Meanwhile, hundreds of police combed southern France for the killer -- also suspected of shooting dead three French soldiers --?and NBC News reported that local police were to be issued with guns temporarily. Normally only national police carry weapons.

French schools?held a minute's silence at 11 a.m. local time (6 a.m. ET) to remember the victims.?Every school in the Toulouse region was also under guard Tuesday.

BBC News also reported that France had declared its top "scarlet" terror alert level for the first time.

Miriam, 8, chased down, killed
The victims at the Ozar Hatorah school were?30-year old Hebrew teacher Jonathan Sandler, his two children, Arye, 6, and Gabriel, 3; and Miriam Monsonego, 8, the daughter of the school principal,? Toulouse prosecutor Michel Valet said.

The gunman chased Miriam into the concrete courtyard, stopping her by her hair, The New York Times reported.?His gun jammed, but still holding her, he switched weapons and shot her in the head.

President Nicolas Sarkozy said the killings at the school and those of the soldiers, one of Caribbean and two of Muslim origin, appeared to be motivated by racism.

"In attacking Jewish teachers and children, there seems to be an obvious anti-Semitic motivation," he said late on Monday. "With the soldiers ... one can imagine that the bloodthirsty madness was linked to racism."

Manhunt for 'most wanted man in France'

Sarkozy was to?meet with members of France's Jewish and Muslim community. France has the largest population of Jews and Muslims in western Europe.

Police had not named a suspect but said they were searching the city of around one million for a man they believed could be a trained marksman.

Neo-Nazi ex-soldier
Police?were?looking into the possibility that the gunman could be one of three soldiers dismissed from the army in 2008 for neo-Nazi activities, French magazine Le Point reported.

NBC News reported that the black scooter used by the gunman at the school had been traced to a theft on March 6 and that video surveillance cameras at the school had picked up the license plate number.

Hadrei Haredim via Getty Images

Jonathan Sandler, (second from left) his two children, Arye, 6, (left) and Gabriel, 3, (second from right) are pictured in this undated handout image. All three were killed in Monday's shooting at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France.

It was the most deadly anti-Semitic attack on French soil in nearly 30 years. In August, 1982, six people were killed in a combined grenade and gun attack at the Goldenberg restaurant in Paris' Marais Jewish district.

As night fell Monday, students of the Ozar Hatorah Hebrew school gathered with the bodies of the victims for an all-night vigil.

Windows were shuttered at the school, a five-floor brick building in a leafy residential neighborhood. The wall near the front gate bore bullet marks, and one window was shattered.

The Associated Press, NBC News and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dragic leads Rockets' rally over Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers' Matt Barnes, center, looks to pass between Houston Rockets' Marcus Camby, left, and Patrick Patterson, right, in the first half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Los Angeles Lakers' Matt Barnes, center, looks to pass between Houston Rockets' Marcus Camby, left, and Patrick Patterson, right, in the first half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant (24) shoots over Houston Rockets' Patrick Patterson (54) in the first half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming watches the Rockets play the Los Angeles Lakers in an NBA basketball game Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Houston Rockets coach Kevin McHale questions a call in the first half of an NBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Lakers Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Los Angeles Lakers coach Mike Brown yells at an official in the first half of an NBA basketball game against the Houston Rockets Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

(AP) ? Kobe Bryant gave Goran Dragic a quick hug after Houston's pesky point guard led the Rockets past the Lakers on Wednesday night.

Dragic hit the go-ahead 3-pointer with 28 seconds left and finished with 16 points and 13 assists in Houston's 107-104 comeback victory.

Down by nine with 5 minutes left, the Rockets had a 12-0 run to take the lead. Dragic scored 10 points in the final quarter, putting the Rockets ahead for good with his second 3 of the game.

Houston held on and Bryant made a point to meet Dragic at midcourt after the final buzzer.

"He just said, 'Good game, I wish you luck,'" Dragic said. "Nothing special."

Bryant remembers when the Lakers struggled to guard Dragic when he backed up Steve Nash with Phoenix.

"A lot of times when we played them in the playoffs, in the Western Conference finals, when he came off the bench, that's the unit that really gave us the biggest headache," Bryant said. "He's really developed into a hell of a basketball player."

Luis Scola and Courtney Lee scored 23 points apiece for the Rockets. Bryant had 29 points, and Pau Gasol added 21 for the Lakers.

Bryant, coming off a 3-for-20 shooting night Sunday, went 10 for 27 with two 3-pointers against Houston. He shed the protective mask that he'd been wearing since Dwyane Wade broke his nose in the All-Star game and says he doesn't plan to wear it again.

"I might donate it, see if anybody's dumb enough to buy that sweaty mask," he said.

The Lakers had 15 turnovers and were outrebounded 40-31.

L.A. missed five straight shots during the Rockets' late spurt before Bryant sank a fadeaway with 1:28 remaining to cut the gap to 100-99. Patrick Patterson split two free throws before Bryant tied it with a long jumper over 6-foot-9 rookie Chandler Parsons, who guarded him much of the night.

"I have a couple of inches on him, so I just tried to make everything tough for him," Parsons said. "But he still made some ridiculous shots."

After Dragic answered with his 3-pointer from the corner, Bryant missed a straight-on 3-pointer off the back of the rim. Parsons rebounded and Lee's free throws with 10.6 seconds left put the game out of reach.

The Lakers have allowed more than 100 points in four of their last five games.

"I'm concerned," Bryant said, "but I'm confident we'll get it (the defense) fixed. We've responded to challenges all year, and in a way, it's good to go through something like this."

Gasol and Andrew Bynum made 10 of 14 shots in the first quarter and the Lakers built a 40-25 lead.

Bryant started 3 for 5 on Wednesday. He drove into the lane late in the quarter, wrapped the ball around his back and hit a left-handed shot in the lane, part of a 20-7 Lakers' spurt.

"That's like something you see in a video game," Parsons said.

The Rockets played stingier defense in the second quarter, and the Lakers cooled off, going 6 for 18 from the field. Houston finished the half with a 12-6 spurt to trail only 56-51 at the break.

Bynum was ejected late in the third quarter after picking up his second technical foul for mouthing off to referee Monty McCutchen. Bynum scored 16 points and grabbed seven rebounds before departing. He did not speak to reporters after the game.

"One of his big strengths is the chip on his shoulder that he plays with," Bryant said. "You can't expect him to have that one night and then knock him for it the next. I like that chip that he plays with."

Notes: The Lakers' 40-point first quarter was a season high. ... Rockets G Kevin Martin (strained right shoulder) sat out for the fifth straight game, and Houston coach Kevin McHale did not know when the team's leading scorer might be ready to return. ... Yao Ming had a courtside seat, the first Rockets game he's watched since retiring from basketball last summer. The 7-foot-6 center's career was cut short by injuries, mostly to his left foot. He says he's healthy now, "good enough for walking, but not good enough for playing basketball." Yao seemed content on Wednesday night and had no regrets that he and Tracy McGrady could never deliver a championship. "We had this chance before, and we missed it," Yao said. "There's no 'if.' We just need to face ourselves, and say we did our best and walk away." Former Rocket and Laker Robert Horry watched the game with Yao.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kidney transplant patients seek life without drugs

This photo taken Thursday, March 8, 2012, Lindsay Porter is seen in her home in Chicago. Lindsay Porter's kidneys were failing rapidly when a friend offered to donate one of his. Then she made an unusual request: Would he donate part of his immune system, too? (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

This photo taken Thursday, March 8, 2012, Lindsay Porter is seen in her home in Chicago. Lindsay Porter's kidneys were failing rapidly when a friend offered to donate one of his. Then she made an unusual request: Would he donate part of his immune system, too? (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

In this photo taken Thursday, March 8, 2012, Lindsay Porter does weather experiments with her son CJ Kozlowski in their home in Chicago. Lindsay Porter's kidneys were failing rapidly when a friend offered to donate one of his. Then she made an unusual request: Would he donate part of his immune system, too? (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

(AP) ? Lindsay Porter's kidneys were failing rapidly when a friend offered to donate one of his. Then she made an unusual request: Would he donate part of his immune system, too?

Every day for the rest of their lives, transplant recipients must swallow handfuls of pills to keep their bodies from rejecting a donated organ. The Chicago woman hoped to avoid those problematic drugs, enrolling in a study to try to trick her own immune system into accepting a foreign kidney.

It's one of a series of small, high-stakes experiments around the country that has researchers hopeful that they're finally closing in on how to help at least some transplant patients go drug-free. The key: Create a sort of twin immunity, by transplanting some of the kidney donor's immune-producing cells along with the new organ.

"I'm so lucky," says the 47-year-old Porter, who stumbled across the research at Chicago's Northwestern University. Porter was able to quit her pills last summer, a year after her transplant, and says, "I feel amazing."

These experiments are a big gamble. If the technique fails, patients could lose their new kidney, possibly their lives. Doctors stress that no one should try quitting anti-rejection drugs on their own.

Why risk it even in a careful scientific study? Anti-rejection medications can cause debilitating, even deadly, side effects, from fatigue and infections to an increased risk of cancer and kidney damage.

Without the drugs, "the hope for me is I'm able to keep this kidney for the rest of my life," Porter says.

Across the country, Stanford University is testing a slightly different transplant method ? and hosted a reunion earlier this month for about a dozen kidney recipients who've been drug-free for up to three years.

"These people who are off their drugs, they're cured," says Dr. Samuel Strober, who leads the study of Stanford's approach. "If they have to be on drugs the rest of their life, it doesn't have the same meaning of 'cure.'"

Anti-rejection drugs work by ratcheting down the immune system, suppressing it from attacking foreign cells. For decades, scientists have sought ways to eliminate the need for the drugs by inducing what's called tolerance ? getting one person's immune system to live in harmony with another person's tissue.

The experimental approach: Transplant the seeds of a new immune system along with a new kidney. It's the 21st-century version of a bone marrow transplant, and possible for now only if the transplanted kidney comes from a living donor.

How does it work? Doctors cull immune system-producing stem cells and other immunity cells from the donor's bloodstream. They blast transplant patients with radiation and medications to wipe out part of their own bone marrow, far more grueling than a regular kidney transplant. That makes room for the donated cells to squeeze in and take root, creating a sort of hybrid immunity that scientists call chimerism, borrowing a page from mythology.

In pilot studies of a few dozen patients, Massachusetts General Hospital, Stanford and a team from Northwestern and the University of Louisville all have reported successfully weaning many, but not all, of their initial participants off anti-rejection drugs.

But each team uses slightly different methods, and it's far from clear which might work best. For example, Mass General patients were weaned off drugs even though their hybrid immunity didn't last ? while it persisted for years in the other studies. That might be because researchers transplanted different mixes of cells, or because different pre-transplant treatments may alter how the patient's body reacts.

The question is whether the transplant approach can be made easier and more reliable, said Dr. Laurence Turka of Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, who isn't involved in those trials.

"We're at the very early phase of something that has generated a lot of excitement in the scientific community," says Turka, who also is deputy director of the Immune Tolerance Network, a consortium founded by the National Institutes of Health to spur the field. "It has tremendous potential moving forward. Whether it will live up to its potential remains unknown."

To help figure that out, researchers are beginning some new experiments:

?Rather than treating only new transplant patients, the Northwestern-Louisville team is about to begin a pilot study transplanting donor immune cells to people years after they received their new kidney ? as long as their long-ago organ donors still are alive and willing to provide those cells.

?Stanford is testing only people with well-matched donors, and hopes later this year to begin the first larger, multi-hospital study of that population. It also is about to begin testing its method in people with poorly-matched donors, like those studied by Northwestern and Mass General. That's important because so many transplant patients lack a well-matched kidney.

?Mass General's study is set to restart soon after some changes to minimize side effects.

Stay tuned: This may not be the only approach. At Emory University, Dr. Kenneth Newell is compiling a registry of truly rare patients ? kidney recipients who somehow survive despite quitting the pills on their own because they couldn't afford them or because of side effects. He's only discovered about three dozen so far. Researchers are testing them for biological markers that might explain why they fared well and who else is a good candidate ? and have found clues that a completely separate part of the immune system plays a role.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Lauran Neergaard covers health and medical issues for The Associated Press in Washington.

Associated Press


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