Saturday, March 31, 2012

Daytona Beach Real Estate Investors Use Special Techniques to Build

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Port Orange, FL, March 31, 2012 ?( RE/MAX Signature Announces Daytona Beach Area Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment Seminar

Walter Borgen of RE/MAX Signature will host the seminar, ?Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment,? to provide information on the elements, opportunities, and processes involved with investing in real estate.

Walter Borgen, RE/MAX Signature
Certified Investor Agent Specialist?

Seminar ? Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment how to protect your assets and use a 1031 Exchange or Self Directed IRA to build wealth.

Over the past 12 months, investment and second-home properties comprised more than $300 billion in sales, representing approximately 27 percent of all residential real estate transactions.

?Market conditions have created an unprecedented opportunity for real estate investors to find productive deals while providing liquidity to the market, decreasing vacancy rates, improving neighborhoods, and presenting solutions for homeowners who need to sell,? Borgen said.

Having achieved the CIAS Designation, Borgen will help Daytona Beach-area investors build wealth through real estate investment, and homeowners facing foreclosure find potential buyers for their properties.

?When it comes to properties that actually end up in foreclosure,? Borgen added, ?up to 30 percent of them can?t close conventionally. Investors are often the only ones who can buy them.?

Find out how to protect your assets and use a 1031 Exchange or Self Directed IRA to build wealth.

1031 Exchange -
The 1031 exchange has been cited as the most powerful wealth building tool still available to taxpayers. It has been a major part of the success strategy of? countless financial wizards and real estate gurus. Taking its name from Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, a tax-deferred exchange allows a taxpayer to sell income, investment or business property and replace it with a like-kind property. Capital gains on the sale of this property are deferred or postponed as long as the IRS rules are meticulously followed. This is a wise tax and investment strategy as well as an estate planning tool. In theory, an investor could continue deferring capital gains on investment property until death, potentially avoiding them all together.

Self Directed IRA's -
By simply transferring your IRA from the bank or brokerage firm you are currently using to a self-directed IRA administrator, you gain the ability to make your own investment decisions, without being limited to the stock market. With all the uncertainty in the stock market, now more than ever is the time to learn how to take control of your retirement plan and invest in what you know and understand?real estate.

Asset Protection -
1. Corporations and LLC?s provide liability protection for owners personal assets that partnerships and other types of entities do not.
2. Must "act" like a corporation or LLC?s in order to be afforded the protection i.e. no commingling of funds, and keeping minutes of all actions.
3. Corporations and LLC?s provide "unlimited life" of the business (doesn't die when the owners die).
4. Corporations and LLC?s make the transfer of businesses to family members or others much easier (business succession planning).
5. Corporations and LLC?s are able to hold real property in their own name (avoids multiple names on deeds to real estate which make sale or other transfer cumbersome) (avoids recalcitrant spouses or minority owners).

Logistics Information

RSVP at 386-236-0760

For questions, please contact Walter Borgen at or 386-236-0760.

For more information, please contact:
Walter Borgen

Contact Information:
RE/MAX Signature
Walter Borgen
Contact via Email

Click here to read the full story: Daytona Beach Real Estate Investors Use Special Techniques to Build Rapid Wealth in Current Real Estate Market

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