Saturday, March 31, 2012

SEO World | Web | DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips

DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips

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Tips to drive traffic to your web site

If you have your own website, online startup, or even online business, promotion is something that is key to being successful especially in the early stages. Many people tend to pay for services to come in and help boost their SEO and traffic or to buy advertisements. But if you already used a do it yourself website builder to make your site in the first place, why can?t you do the traffic building yourself too? Well actually you can, and here are some tips on do it yourself traffic building and SEO without having to spend a dime.

Guest Posting

This is one of the most time tested and effective ways of helping to build your site?s traffic and SEO metrics. The concept is pretty simple. You write a great piece of original content for another blog. They in turn post that content but give a byline where you can talk about yourself or your site and then include a backlink to it. The site owner has gotten some great free content and you now have a link exposed to a group of new readers as well as a link that will help increase the value of some of your metrics such as Alexa ranking. Every site has different policies and guidelines when it comes to guest posting so make sure to review them and submit guest posts that are in compliance so you have the best chance of getting it published.

Site Submission

Not only are there plenty of blog directories out there, but if you are a business there are plenty of sites whose sole purpose is to list and review internet startups. You can spend a little time submitting your own site there with the potential to be reviewed and gain you some free publicity. Plus, a few positive reviews can really help create some interest in your site. Other sites you can submit to are social networks and social sites that are designed for sharing links.


Though this doesn?t directly solve any traffic or SEO woes, it can help you target the causes. Properly reading and understanding your site?s analytics can help you see where the issue lies. For example if you have a high bounce rate, chances are your home page isn?t appealing or intuitive enough to be explored by your visitors. Or if your conversion rate from search engines is low you may want to look at registering with the search engines or changing around your keywords.
So if your site is just starting up, there?s no need to spend a fortune on services from freelancers or other businesses for simple things that you can go ahead and do yourself.

If you liked ?DIY Traffic Building and SEO Tips?, then you may also enjoy other articles about search engine optimization (posicionamiento en buscadores) and social media available at Black Box Social Media.

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Tags: Building, Tips, traffic


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